Is Returning to a Previous Employer the Right Move?

Rejoining a Previous Employer: Why & When You Should Consider Doing So

You’re considering returning to a previous employer, but you want to make sure it’s the right move before you accept the invitation to rejoin. What should you consider? What are the pros and cons of returning to a previous employer?

We understand how difficult the decision you must make can be. On the one hand, you left the employer ─ why would you wish to return? On the other hand, it might be too good an opportunity to miss..

Let’s look at some potential reasons to rejoin a previous employer and the reasons you may want toreject the opportunity.

Why You Should Return to a Previous Employer

Going back could be a step forward in your career. If you left your old job because of a lack of career advancement but now could return with a promotion, then why shouldn’t you?

Of course, it also depends upon how you left your previous employer. Was the separation a painless one, and did you leave on good terms? If you behaved professionally when you left ─ you ensured that the new incumbent in your previous role was fully trained for it ─ then there shouldn’t be any animosity toward you.

It may be that you left because of a toxic boss, poor company culture, or values that didn’t align with your own. Things have changed. You’ve stayed connected with your old colleagues. The boss that continually micromanaged the team has gone. It’s a happy and progressive company now, with more collaboration and employee ideas are listened to. It’s the kind of company you enjoy working for.

Returning to a previous employer may also allow you to bring a new perspective to your role. You have more experience today, and this could allow you to make a real difference in your old role.

Why You Should Not Return to a Previous Employer

As humans, we tend to look back with fondness. We remember the good times and forget the bad. Returning to a previous employer because you ‘feel’ it’s the right thing to do might be a bad move. You’ll need to be conscious about the reasons you left your previous role. Never let nostalgia rule your decision making.

Perhaps you have been offered a far higher paycheck to return. However, moving for money alone is never a good decision. Money is a short-term motivator. What is more important in the long-term is that your work and workplace gives you a sense of self, belonging, and value.

Another bad reason to return to your previous job is that your new employer and the role you have isn’t living up to your expectations. You may be stressed, and things aren’t going quite how you expected. You may be having a tough time settling in. Again, you must consider why you took your new job. Would it be better to make your new role what you thought it would be?

How to Make the Best Decision for You

Making the decision to return to a previous employer is rarely an easy one. In some scenarios, it’s best to stay at your current job. In other cases, it might be better to go back to your previous employer. If you are unsure about what the best decision is for you, here are four questions to ask yourself:

  1. Did you leave your previous employer on bad terms?
  2. Did you leave because of a toxic boss who is still there?
  3. Is money the main motivator for returning?
  4. Do you feel nostalgic about the ‘old crew’ and the ‘old times’?

The more of these questions to which you answer ‘yes’, the less likely it is that rejoining your previous employer is a good move. But one thing is certainly true. The fact that you are considering returning is a good indication that you are not happy where you are. And this certainly means that you should evaluate your career and the opportunities available to you.

You don’t need to be discontent in your job. If you are stifled at work, or are seeking a role that will challenge and inspire, and help you achieve your career goals while making the most of your experience and skills, submit your resume to Lakeshore Talent today.